To add an account to the default chart of accounts within Puzzle, follow the steps illustrated below:


Step 1: Navigate to the “Accounting” tab in the sidebar.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Chart of accounts” section.

Step 3: Click on the “+ New account” button.


Step 4: Select an existing account to which the new sub-account will relate and click “Continue.”


Step 5: Create a 5-digit number to represent the new sub-account. While not required, the selected number would typically relate to the parent account, would not duplicate any existing account numbers, would be lower than a subsequent grouping of numbers, and would be logically consistent with any other sub-accounts that have been created. For any additional guidance, refer to Puzzle’s COA numbering principles. While you do not have to adhere to these, it may help keep things orderly and give you a starting point!

Step 6: Select an account type. You will have two options: 1) the account type of the account selected in Step 4 and 2) a “contra” account of the account selected in Step 4. In most cases, you would use Option #1. Option #2 would be used if the new account is for transactions that are opposite of the parent account, such as discounts (for a revenue account) or reserves (for a receivable account).

Step 7: Add an account name. While the name can be anything you want, it may be useful be descriptive enough to distinguish it but not too specific to be hard to read.

Step 8: Add a brief description of what is included in the account. The description may help when referencing later to clarify what should be included and excluded when using this account.